The idea was pretty interesting, although I think I kinda jumped the gun when I read the title - I was assuming it was be some kind of comedy adventure following a pinball through its nightmarish trip through a pinball machine, as it attempts - without success - to escape. But then again, that's just how my kerazy mind works.
In light of what you actually produced, however, I'd say this isn't too bad for a first attempt. But on a somewhat more serious note - dear lord, did you tween ANY of this?! It looks like the entire thing was done frame-by-frame, and if that's the case, hot damn lol. For stuff like fight scenes and character movement, fbf is great, but when you've just got a ball bouncing all over the place, for the love of God! Learn and use tweens, they'll save you hours and hours of moving stuff around for no reason!
Good luck with your next Flash animation.